Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All About Justin (At 5 ½ Years)

Justin Chronicles at 5
(A Report to Our Behavioral Therapist)

When he wakes up in the morning, he turns off the electric fan if he wants to and on his own.
He can already drink milk on his own or using a straw and he gives me back the glass when he’s finished. Or he returns the glass at the kitchen sink on his own.
He can already plug-in the television and turn it on and he can already choose his favorite shows. When he wakes up he watches cartoons and now he watches any channel, before, he would only stick to one channel and would react if anyone changes the channel.
He can already urinate on his own and flush the toilet on his own. Even when he uses the toilet, he goes on his own, though I have to wash him after.
He can already wash himself with soap. But we still have to bathe him because he keeps on jumping while taking a both and I’m worried that he might slip. We still change his clothes, if not, he takes time changing his clothes because he does so while watching T.V.

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